Premier League Players and Snus: The Truth and Alternatives

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In recent years, the use of snus has become increasingly popular as a stimulant and cigarette substitute. Today, we'll take a look at the effects of snus on football players and what alternatives are available. You might be surprised by what we're going to discuss.

The Roots of Snus in the Premier League

Many players in the Premier League, League 1, and Championship use Swedish snus. Big names like Karim Benzema, Manchester United defender Victor Lindelof, Charlie Adams, Newcastle defender Jamaal Lascelles, and Arsenal striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang are among the snus users.

A legendás csatár, a Leicester City Club Jamie Vardy is használója. Az Euro 2016-on fotózták le, amint a kezében tart egy doboz Thunder Snust. Később saját életrajzában, a „Jamie Vardy: Az én történetem” című könyvében elismerte, hogy használ snust. A következő szavakkal írta le:

„Egy-egy szál cigarettát szívtam Fleetwoodban egy esti buli során, de amikor a Leicesterhez írtam alá, egyik srác bemutatta nekem a snust, és azt találtam, hogy segített lazítani.”

He added:

„Sokkal több futballista használja őket, mint azt az emberek gondolnák, és egyes srácok még a meccsek alatt is használják őket.”

This information was further corroborated by Stoke City midfielder Charlie Adam. In a BBC Radio 5 Live Podcastban he explained that the use of smokeless tobacco products is quite common in English football. Charlie also claimed that local players got introduced to snus through Scandinavian players.

Footballer in premier league using snus

The Truth About Snus

A snus/snuff/snus egy dohánytermék, amelyet kis, tea méretű tasakokba adagolnak. A száj nyálkahártyája felszívja a tasakból a nikotint, és megéled a „nikotin buzzt„.

The absorption of nicotine releases dopamine and serotonin, leading to an adrenaline rush. The primary effects of snus and other nicotine-based products include stress reduction, increased alertness, and a slight boost in motivation. It's like having a cup of coffee in the morning and feeling more awake.

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has never banned snus.

Snus is indeed on the watchlist of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), but it hasn't been banned. Caffeine is also on WADA's watchlist. Further research may lead to snus being banned in the future, but for now, athletes can use it legally.

The Effect of Snus on Athletic Activity

A snus növeli az éberséget és a koncentrációt. A WADA által 2013-ban végzett tanulmány szerint a snus és más nikotinalapú termékek 13%-kal növelhetik a hosszú távú felhasználók teljesítményét. Emiatt a jövőben lehet, hogy betiltják a snust.

A Nikotin tasakok nagyszerű Snus alternatíva az atléták számára

Nicotine pouches are considered the best alternative to snus and cigarettes because they do not contain tobacco. Modern nicotine pouches are made with synthetic nicotine, making them a compelling substitute for harmful and damaging products. It's important to note that nicotine pouches come in various strengths and flavors. This diversity allows cigarette or snuff users to transition more effectively and easily.

In the nicotine pouch industry, there are prominent names such as:


In summary, the use of snus among football players is a phenomenon that warrants caution and concern. The declining trend in smoking among young people may offset this to some extent. Nicotine pouches can be seen as an intriguing alternative to other forms of nicotine use. The use of nicotine products among football players has not been researched as extensively as snus use, making it challenging to provide definitive conclusions.

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